Office of Student Life

Resolution Options

Administrative Decision -- Accepting Responsibility

In most cases, when charged, students accept responsibility for violating the Code of Student Conduct. We call this an "administrative decision." The investigating hearing officer will keep the case and determine appropriate sanctions. Students who request an administrative decision may still submit an appeal (see Administrative Code section 3335-23-18), but may do so only upon the ground that the sanction is grossly disproportionate to the violation committed. They give up the right to appeal on the grounds of substantial new evidence or procedural error.


The Code of Student Conduct offers students two types of hearings to resolve disputed charges. Both hearing types are designed to be informal. Nonetheless, students should take their hearing seriously. We expect all participants to conduct themselves in a respectful and truthful manner. We aim for a conversational tone that encourages students to fully advocate for themselves.

Students may bring one advisor to the hearing. This advisor may not also be a witness.

Administrative Hearing

In an Administrative hearing, the hearing officer who investigated the case will step aside. A new Student Conduct staff member will be assigned to hear and decide the case.

University Conduct Board

In a University Conduct Board hearing, the case will be heard and decided by a panel of four to five members from the University Conduct Board (UCB). The UCB is made up of students, staff, and faculty. For cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct, only staff and faculty members of the UCB will hear the case.