Section 3335-23-05 provides instruction on filing complaints about possible violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
File a Complaint
Student Conduct Process
Our office will open a new case and begin an investigation when we receive a complaint that alleges an Ohio State student possibly violated the Code of Student Conduct. Complaints come in different forms from a variety of sources:
- The Ohio State Police Division and the Columbus Division of Police often send reports to our office when they encounter students whose conduct may have violated the law, the Code or both.
- Other university offices frequently provide information to our office that will prompt an investigation. We routinely receive complaints from Residence Life, Student Activities, Sorority and Fraternity Life, as well as academic units.
- Individuals can submit a complaint using the report link above.
Upon receipt of a complaint, Student Conduct may:
- open an investigation pursuant to the provisions found in the Code of Student Conduct
- refer the report to another office for consideration or further action
- review the report for other response or resolution options, such as the Student Mediation Program
Even if Student Conduct is unable to take any further action, reports may be considered in data collection efforts.
If you want to make an anonymous report, please consider using the reporting option offered by the Office of University Compliance and Integrity. That system allows users – without disclosing their name or other identifiable information – to follow up on a report to read the university’s response or to provide additional information. A report can also be filed by copying the following URL into your browser’s address bar: