Office of Student Life

Disciplinary Records Checks

Request a Disciplinary Record

Our office completes thousands of disciplinary record checks each year for students, former students and third parties. Disciplinary records checks are often required when students apply to graduate or professional programs, seek to transfer to another university, apply for study abroad programs, or are subject to a federal background check related to employment or security clearances.

Disciplinary records checks are often called Dean's Certificates and required forms will contain questions about a student's conduct history and eligibility to (re)enroll at the university. Because these forms are often unique and sometimes antiquated, they contain questions that our reporting and records policies do not allow us to answer. Nearly without exception, the requesting entity accepts the Conduct History we create to respond to such requests. 

How long do we report records?

The length of time we report records depends on the outcome of the case.

  • If a student was suspended or dismissed from the university or failed to complete sanctions, we report the record for fifty years.
  • If a student receives a sanction other than suspension or dismissal and completes all sanctions and complies with all conditions, we report the record for ten years. When students fail to complete sanctions or comply with conditions, Student Conduct may keep records for up to fifty years.

When reporting disciplinary records, what does Student Conduct provide?

Student Conduct will issue a Conduct History Report document that will contain the following information if there are reportable records:

  • case number
  • incident date
  • charges resulting in violations
  • resulting sanctions

If there are no reportable records, the Conduct History Report will state "***NO RECORD TO REPORT***."

Does Student Conduct report any other records?

Student Conduct does NOT provide any other additional information.

Examples of information Student Conduct does NOT provide include:

  • enrollment dates
  • grades
  • degrees awarded
  • financial obligations
  • scholarships 
  • character references

Student Conduct provides information regarding disciplinary records only. Please direct inquiries regarding a student's academic standing, grades or degrees conferred to the University Registrar. Knowledge regarding character and fitness should be directed to the student's academic college or advisor.

How long does it take to process a request?

While we can often complete a records check within one or two business days, some cases require more time. It's best to submit your request without delay.

How do I submit a request?

  • Use the webform found at
  • Please follow all of the instructions found on the web form.
  • In particular, remember that all verification forms you submit using the webform must first be completely filled out and signed!

In-Person Requests

Traveling to Lincoln Tower and finding parking is challenging. We encourage students, alumni and others to use the online form linked above to request Conduct History Reports. Additionally, Student Conduct no longer has an Office Associate to receive visitors. Because our suite has secured entry, visitors must call a staff member to let them in. Signage outside our suite will direct in-person visitors to call our office associate at 614-292-0748 to process their request remotely and email the result. If you must come in-person, please call first to schedule an appointment.

Protecting Privacy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects student conduct records. More information about FERPA (PDF)

  • Third parties seeking information about a student's disciplinary record must have written authorization from the student in order for us to disclose their disciplinary history.
  • Students and former students must provide identifying information, such as date of birth or student identification number.
  • All forms must also be signed and dated.